What Horror Movie Aligns with Your Zodiac Sign?

Trying to find the perfect horror movie for you?  Why not pick the one that best aligns with your zodiac sign?  The “New York Post” has matched each sign with the most appropriate flick.  Here’s the rundown:

1.  Aries:  “Suspiria”.  The 1977 original ends with a coven engulfed in flames, and Aries is a fire sign.  The 2018 remake features, quote, “ecstatic dance and bald carnality,” which are hallmarks of the Aries spirit.

2.  Taurus:  “Midsommar”.  A Taurus is loyal to a fault, and often to their detriment . . . like Florence Pugh’s character is to her toxic boyfriend.

Also, minus the horrific violence, a Taurus would drink in the Earthly delights offered by the Midsommar festival, like sunshine, SEX, feasting . . . and natural hallucinogens???

3.  Gemini:  “Scream”.  The Gemini is curious, inquisitive, and highly verbal . . . and two of the hallmarks of this flick are phones and discussions of horror trivia.

Also, Gemini is all about duality, just like the heroine’s boyfriend, who turns out to be the KILLER.

4.  Cancer:  “Bram Stoker’s Dracula”.  Cancer is the most nostalgic sign, and its people tend to long for, quote, “everything and everyone they have ever lusted for, lost, or loved.”  Just like the doomed love story between Dracula and Mina.

5.  Leo:  “It”.  Leos are all about play, romance, and the inner child.  They also love the stage.  There’s some Pennywise in there.  Leos are also defenders of others . . . like the kids who band together to defeat him.

6.  Virgo:  “The Shining”.  Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and exchange.  And communication, in the form of telepathy, helps save the day.  

Virgos are also prone to prioritize the grind over the road to joy . . . or, to put it another way, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”  Also, Stephen King is a Virgo.

7.  Libra:  “Get Out”.  Libra seeks to call out injustice and balance the scales, so to speak . . . which is exactly what “Get Out” aims to do.

8.  Scorpio:  “Halloween”.  Scorpio rules over the eighth house of sex, death, and regeneration . . . perfect for the holiday.  Plus, Jamie Lee Curtis is a Scorpio in real life.

9.  Sagittarius:  “The Devil’s Rejects”.  A Sagittarius loves a cheap laugh, a getaway car, and the call of the open road.  A movie about villains on the run . . . but still stopping for tutti frutti ice cream . . . is a pretty good match.

10.  Capricorn:  “The Witch”.  In the tarot, Capricorn is represented by the Devil . . . who, in this movie, tempts a young, innocent girl with the classic line, “Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?”  Spoiler alert:  She would.

11.  Aquarius:  “28 Days Later”.  Aquarians are good to have on your side during a zombie Apocalypse, because they’re kind without being sentimental, and can balance innovation and implementation.

12.  Pisces:  “A Nightmare on Elm Street”.  Pisces rules the 12th house of dreams and the unconscious mind, which makes this match a no-brainer. 

Also, Pisces is one of the most common zodiac signs among serial killers . . . like Freddy Krueger.

(New York Post)