Nash Athlete Of The Week – Kristyn Crouse

Congratulations to Kristyn Crouse, Freshman at Woodward-Granger High School, our Nash Athlete of the Week!

“Kristyn works at everything. In middle school she participated in Wrestling, Softball & track. This Is her first year in high school & did Cross Country For the 1st time w/ her sister. This is a challenging sport, but very rewarding. Now she’s wrestling as a ninth grader & on varsity this year. She won conference at weight 125 & we were so proud of her. She’s a type 1 diabetic & has to monitor extra during her athletic Endeavors to make sure her blood sugars are regulated. This will always be a challenge because each activity Fluctuates her sugars with a lot of unknowns. She is truly my hero!” Nominated by her Mother, Michele Crouse