Category Archives: Danger and Lindsay

Random Facts 9-13-22

Random Facts 9-13-22

The Greeks were afraid of Zombies, What was Sonic The Hedgehog’s original name, AND Why it would be great to have a lot of money…MORE

Nash News Now 9-13-22

Nash News Now 9-13-22

Why Miranda has to be careful with “Mama’s Broken Heart”, Rundown of tonight’s “ACM Honors”, AND what Little Big Town will buy if they have a good album…MORE

Random Facts 9-12-22

Random Facts 9-12-22

In France you are leaving money to your kids whether you want to or not! Was this the worst decision ever? AND Sam and Frodo did a lot of walking!MORE

Nash News Now 9-12-22

A tour bush crash, A scary moment at a Morgan Wallen show, AND a powerful female collaboration…MORE

Hollywood Hot Shots 9-12-22

Hollywood Hot Shots 9-12-22

The royal bees have been informed! What does Harrison Ford think of the last Indiana Jones? AND is binge-watching over?MORE