Category Archives: Danger and Lindsay

Nash News Now 3-22-21

Nash News Now 3-22-21

What was Matthew McConaughey’s first acting gig, and how is it tied to country music?MORE

Danger’s Daily Dumbass 3-22-21

Danger’s Daily Dumbass 3-22-21

A guy with a tattoo of Florida between his eyes has been arrested again. A Florida man attacks a McDonald’s employee over how long his food took. A St. Paul man needs helping figuring out how much is in a dozen.MORE

Hollywood Hot Shots 3-22-21

Hollywood Hot Shots 3-22-21

Lebron James injured. Could there be an NC-17 cut of Mrs. Doubtfire coming? Ace Venture 3 on the way?MORE

Best Buddies Interviews

Best Buddies Interviews

March is Best Buddies month and to celebrate, Danger got the chance to chat with some folks who have very special connections to Best Buddies! MORE

Danger & Lindsay Hollywood Hot Shots 03-17-21

Danger & Lindsay Hollywood Hot Shots 03-17-21

Prince Harry has spoken with Prince William and Prince Charles.  It didn’t go well. Is Movie Pass going to be a thing again? Were you a fan of Nickelodeon?  Interesting facts about the channel you may not have known.MORE

Danger & Lindsay Danger’s Daily Dumbass 03-17-21

Danger & Lindsay Danger’s Daily Dumbass 03-17-21

Maybe 30 bags of heroin at your probation appointment is a bad idea. Just because the court appearance is on Zoom doesn’t mean you can go topless. People who lie about their trip being ruined to get a refund are getting another trip…to jail!    MORE