Category Archives: Danger and Lindsay

Nash News Now 8-11-22

Nash News Now 8-11-22

What would you do if you saw these two stars on a golf cart together? “ACM Honors” coming back to network television, AND How can you get Carrie Underwood’s toned legs…MORE

Hollywood Hot Shots 8-11-22

Hollywood Hot Shots 8-11-22

What comic strip was inspiration for ankle monitors, Steve Martin may be done with acting, AND Disney+ announces changes to fees…MORE

Word Of The Day 8-11-22

Word Of The Day 8-11-22

How many times have you heard “it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity!”  Today’s word of the day may teach us why it is such a problem in Iowa!MORE

Random Facts 8-10-22

Random Facts 8-10-22

What were Walt Disney’s last words? Who inspired Charlie Brown’s love interest? And are you a mostly sunny or partly cloudy person?MORE

Nash News Now 8-10-22

Nash News Now 8-10-22

What does Tim McGraw cry about, Cody Johnson is helping teachers, AND Garth Brooks narrating a new series…MORE

Danger’s Daily Dumbass 8-10-22

Danger’s Daily Dumbass 8-10-22

We have seen a big increase in these Dumbass stories over the years. AND what was she wearing when she got busted with meth?MORE