Did Carol save the show with this word of the day?… MORE

Did Carol save the show with this word of the day?… MORE
He’s opening up for Brooks & Dunn at the Iowa State Fair!… MORE
He may be a bit young for a Smirnoff Ice AND an amateur witch uses a spell book to start a fire.… MORE
What would you do if you saw these two stars on a golf cart together? “ACM Honors” coming back to network television, AND How can you get Carrie Underwood’s toned legs…… MORE
What comic strip was inspiration for ankle monitors, Steve Martin may be done with acting, AND Disney+ announces changes to fees…… MORE
How many times have you heard “it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity!” Today’s word of the day may teach us why it is such a problem in Iowa!… MORE
What were Walt Disney’s last words? Who inspired Charlie Brown’s love interest? And are you a mostly sunny or partly cloudy person?… MORE
What does Tim McGraw cry about, Cody Johnson is helping teachers, AND Garth Brooks narrating a new series…… MORE
We have seen a big increase in these Dumbass stories over the years. AND what was she wearing when she got busted with meth?… MORE
Serena Williams is retiring, Some award show news, AND new animated show in the works…… MORE