What country song did this Alabama woman try to recreate? AND why does Lindsay sympathize with this dad?… MORE

What country song did this Alabama woman try to recreate? AND why does Lindsay sympathize with this dad?… MORE
Shocking…Danger & Lindsay prefer their pilots awake. AND a car thief ends up back in jail…very quickly.… MORE
A man walks into an empty Burger King…Why is that? Someone takes a weird approach to bring climate change awareness… MORE
Maybe she should have choose a different name for the book. Why did he break into the Mexican restaurant? AND this dude really didn’t like being told to put clothes on!… MORE
A not so shocking outcome to teasing a lion. She figured out pretty quickly just how the sheep got stuck. AND another dumbass at a food place.… MORE
We might be too obsessed with “true crime”. AND why were these Louisiana men arrested.… MORE
He might be a dumbass, but he did make Danger laugh. AND this is NOT what you should do when stuck behind an ambulance.… MORE
This guy must have really hated seagulls! Why are police calling her “public enemy number two”? AND it’s not o.k. to feed monkeys FLAMIN’ HOT Cheetos!… MORE
An entire Danger’s Daily Dumbass filled with idiots and their cars. You’re gonna love it!… MORE
Danger is sure this thief will be haunted! AND what crimes has the Kool-Aid man inspired?… MORE