Not sure it will hold up in court, but it’s an interesting law suit. AND shouldn’t a fire chief have known better than this?… MORE

Not sure it will hold up in court, but it’s an interesting law suit. AND shouldn’t a fire chief have known better than this?… MORE
Did she have the worst Mother’s Day ever? What did they think would happen when they stopped paying their bills? AND you’ve heard the saying “fight fire with fire” well what do you use to fight chicken poop?… MORE
Maybe a getaway car would have been a good idea. AND if you are going to have someone move your truck, make sure they have a driver’s license!… MORE
This is not what you would expect delivered to Nespresso. AND a least he mowed for them!… MORE
This driver did pretty much EVERYTHING wrong! AND this drug dealer made it very easy to catch him…… MORE
Is this really a good way to get kids excited about science? AND why is this art thief getting off with just a warning?… MORE
Family calls cops on a vacuum, AND a criminal thinks he can disguise himself as a ghost…… MORE
Do you blame her for what she did on the “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride? You can’t always take the law into your own hands. AND maybe should have used a truck for this run to the hardware store.… MORE
This is a terrible souvenir! Who are police on the lookout for in Alabama? AND why is this sheriff “hotter than a bear butt on a tin roof in August”?… MORE
Old woman slaps Little Caesar’s employee, You are not allowed to make drinks in toilets, AND a lady makes Danger’s Daily Dumbass for a second time…… MORE