Naked man pulls fire alarm and sprays people down, Sonic the Hedgehog criminal has yet to be caught, AND a stolen vehicle is just the start of this story…… MORE

Naked man pulls fire alarm and sprays people down, Sonic the Hedgehog criminal has yet to be caught, AND a stolen vehicle is just the start of this story…… MORE
A Home Depot employee has spent years stealing from the company…how did he do it? AND If you are going to give police a fake name make sure you are careful about the name you give!… MORE
A woman gets in trouble for loving a man in uniform, The cloud lands two teenagers in jail, AND you can’t vote twice even if you “could vote twice”… MORE
The ghost of Dale Earnhardt Sr. is a bad influence, Be careful before you give your toddler your old watch, AND an interesting thing to be cancelled for “too much snow”… MORE
Idiot man knocks out important game for 20,000 fans, Man attacks woman with Ramen noodles…but, why? AND You are not allowed to Cat-nap from Airbnb’s…… MORE
A guy goes from good houseguest to WORST houseguest, AND an injury caused by Virtual reality…… MORE
Maybe it would be best to not brag about breaking rules on social media? Man in England is in trouble after getting into fight with girlfriend for a very strange reason. AND an 84 year old man in the UK is in trouble for something he has been doing for 72 years!!!… MORE
No one says “4th times a charm” maybe this is why. A toddler racks up quite the Wal Mart bill! AND what is a Kentucky man in trouble for stealing?… MORE
What got this Florida man arrested at a Waffle House? AND he claimed the syringes weren’t for drugs. What did he say they were for?… MORE
This takes odd pick-up tactics to a ridiculous level! The way this passenger had an odd reaction to a mask mandate. AND this grandma turns the tables on a scammer!… MORE