Cops get carjacked while looking for carjackers, A crazy situation involving a slot machine…… MORE

Cops get carjacked while looking for carjackers, A crazy situation involving a slot machine…… MORE
Don’t laser anyone when emotional, AND don’t trust big snakes who talk to you…… MORE
Man steals ED pills, Man with Tesla Face tattoo flips what kind of vehicle, A woman runs down plane on tarmac…… MORE
Don’t take a selfie with a crocodile, Woman steals money to play fake slots, AND maybe take a look out the window before tossing drugs… … MORE
Lots of people sitting on other people….… MORE
A Grandma who uses vegetable as weapons, AND a woman who needs to make money A DIFFERENT way…… MORE
Guys brags about crime by making a t-shirt, AND a guy doesn’t do his job well….… MORE
A naked man in a stolen boat, The Colosseum has expensive beers, And a woman offers shots at the airport…… MORE
Woman uses underwire to escape jail, AND Lawyers “thinks like a criminal” … MORE
DoorDash driver does some weird stuff, A woman goes all Mike Tyson on a cop, AND a speed camera catches a crazy sight… … MORE