Russia blew up a satellite, but didn’t think it through, Bad driving blamed on egg roll, AND a naked guy threatens TSA … MORE

Russia blew up a satellite, but didn’t think it through, Bad driving blamed on egg roll, AND a naked guy threatens TSA … MORE
A guy busted in the carpool lane, AND an update on a former dumbass….… MORE
A murderer caught through a game of “truth or dare” AND a road rage incident involving a sword…… MORE
A woman uses soup as a weapon, A lawyer dropped his pants, AND two men got away with a LOT of condoms… … MORE
Farting causes inmate argument, AND a slow motion police chase … MORE
A naked man caught in a wall, AND a story right out of a “forensic files” show…… MORE
A man arrested after not being very nice to his mom, Man robs a postal worker for rubber bands…… MORE
A man lies about his carjacking, Two thieves succumb to karma, AND Florida man in trouble again…… MORE
Robbers posing as trick-or-treaters, And a woman pulls a shotgun on a different trick-or-treater?… MORE
Burglar caught “marinara-handed”, AND a HOSPITAL DUMBASS?… MORE