Waffle House worker gets extreme, Good Samaritan gets his payback, AND Sheriff’s office offering to return some drugs…… MORE

Waffle House worker gets extreme, Good Samaritan gets his payback, AND Sheriff’s office offering to return some drugs…… MORE
Woman engaged to man she attacked with an axe, AND a man steal for his imaginary girlfriend… MORE
Man needs to find a new bank to rob, People steal neighbors Kangaroo, AND Man is distracted by Kit-Kat bar…… MORE
One man is “taking care of business, And another is “Teaching a lesson”… MORE
Why did a mailman get cites? Man threatens woman’s life in sign language, AND a man sues his psychic…… MORE
Woman doesn’t understand how insurance works, AND Man doesn’t know how Meth works…… MORE
Man tried to sue his wife over shoes, Felon posts an ad with something stupid in background…… MORE
You MUST follow the rules of the plane, A carpool lane violation, AND the reason a woman reported a fake shooting…… MORE
A con man tricked airlines out of thousands, Why a man said he was going 103 mph…… MORE
“Shaman” charged with starting wildfire and boils bear pee, AND Woman makes stupid bomb threats…… MORE