Man thinks CD player is spying on him, A woman attacks man with spaghetti, AND a stolen wallet & cookies…… MORE

Man thinks CD player is spying on him, A woman attacks man with spaghetti, AND a stolen wallet & cookies…… MORE
The Ohio River is not “international waters”, AND this will NOT help your credit card get accepted…… MORE
Man “shows off” on first date, What leads to man peeing on a counter, AND a man lighting fires to steal beer…… MORE
A slow motion water chase, Woman destroys company database, AND a haircut leads to a crime….… MORE
Why is this man growing his marijuana, A woman is indecent at the beach, And “master manipulator”….… MORE
Burnouts lead to a burning car, AND Suspect pick wrong restaurant to walk into…… MORE
A couple stories with people who could have used the advice, “SLOW DOWN!”… MORE
A dumb 19-year-old from Iowa, And I don’t think this guy was “exercising”…… MORE
This is not how you fix a radiator, A skunk helps catch a criminal, AND Thieves catch extra fines!… MORE
29-year-old tries to be in high school, A guy can’t STOP committing crimes, AND guy sets fire after being refused a soda…… MORE