Man falls asleep outside of building and faces consequences, Prime Minister battles a 24-year-old rumor, AND Florida Man Vs. an Alligator…… MORE

Man falls asleep outside of building and faces consequences, Prime Minister battles a 24-year-old rumor, AND Florida Man Vs. an Alligator…… MORE
Man stole a ring to buy a ring, AND Fugitive takes WHAT on a joyride?… MORE
Update on Charles Kelley’s appendicitis, It’s nice to be friends with Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood, AND How did Dylan Scott get that gash on his forehead…… MORE
Fireworks do not belong in a Taco Bell, This guy take goofing around to a new level, Or a guy from Canada does something very un-Canadian!… MORE
Doritos Locos Tacos went missing, Kids scare away criminal with an interesting weapon, And a man tries to return stolen stuff… MORE
What two countries have no independence days? Why do we call them movie “trailers”? What was Van Gogh’s inspiration for “Starry Night”?… MORE
Guy makes up shooting to get out of ticket, Cop give Heimlich and ends up finding a bag of weed, And a dumb way to get back at an ex!… MORE
Police takeover for wanted Door Dash driver, Bad form for an ambulance, AND Drunk buffaloes reveal contraband booze ring…… MORE
Ben Franklin’s different names for drunk, the first movie character to break wind, and how did boardwalks get their name?… MORE