A TV reporter in San Francisco doing a report on car break-ins gets robbed at gunpoint. A Georgia man has been pretending to be a Home Depot employee to steal merchandise and sell it.… MORE

A TV reporter in San Francisco doing a report on car break-ins gets robbed at gunpoint. A Georgia man has been pretending to be a Home Depot employee to steal merchandise and sell it.… MORE
A Florida woman attacks her roommate for playing the same song over and over on a loop. What song was it? School board members in Northern California had their property vandalized over keeping kids out of school, and the spelling is a major concern. A guy in Alabama is in trouble for break out of…then…… MORE
Cheeto’s dust help police solve a crime! A man arrested after using a homemade flamethrower in a burglary attempt. A guy calls police over a suspected break in. Maybe he should have hid his huge stash of drugs before they arrived.… MORE
Woman facing charges for stealing her neighbor’s goat. Why did she take it? 2 guys ice fishing in Illinois had to be rescued. Can we stop getting out of cars and dancing?… MORE
Alec Baldwin and his wife had another baby…6 MONTHS after their last one? The Rock has talked about a future in politics…what other A List actor would consider it too? Did you miss the Golden Globes? Don’t worry, so did pretty much everybody else.… MORE
Pennsylvania man set his own car on fire, how did police find out? How did police in the U.K. know it was a crack house? Man tries using the drive thru of the bank to rob the place. How did it work out?… MORE
Grandma chases down purse snatcher. Guy calls police on himself! A woman attacks her roommate with pretty much everything in the house!… MORE
Woman robs a bank in Florida, but has a horrible getaway plan. How 2 younger women try to trick their way into getting the vaccine. Had he just pulled up his mask he may have got away with it!… MORE
Was it a good excuse for doing 120 MPH? Why did this bus driver get banned from driving for 2 years? Might have been a mistake to go to the police station to complain about an officer.… MORE
This is one of the strangest crimes we’ve had in Danger’s Daily Dumbass 2 burglars are easily caught thanks to winter weather A masseur is innocent of what he was accused of, but guilty of something else!… MORE