A strange “high speed” chase, that’s a lot of oranges AND an ATV driver high on meth makes it easy to catch him.… MORE

A strange “high speed” chase, that’s a lot of oranges AND an ATV driver high on meth makes it easy to catch him.… MORE
Florida jail gives criminal unexpected B day gift. Cutting in line leads to threat of actual cutting. Florida criminal’s GoFund me not going as well as he had hoped.… MORE
Man busted for doing 213 MPH in his Lamborghini AND you won’t believe how he was caught PLUS a Kroger Employee steals a TON in 2 weeks.… MORE
A Pennsylvania man fights an imaginary man in a Wal Mart parking lot, A guy in Alabama has a surprise visitor, and a burglar accidentally shoots himself in leg trying to kick in a door.… MORE
People starting fires and a naked man steals a police car. What more could you want?… MORE
Car thief goes to extremes to try and fool police, Officers in England break up what they THINK is a rave And a Swingers party confuses police for strippers…… MORE
A party in England wasn’t aware a pandemic was happening, One testicle leads to one big fight AND a man impersonating an officer is arrested for stealing a donut!… MORE
A Thief calls cops on a rude victim and a Mentos theft leads to a stolen ambulance…… MORE
A gardener thinks she discovers something scary, but it turns out to be a vegetable….… MORE
Did you miss Danger’s Daily Dumbass today? Check it out now! … MORE