Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher raising a lot of money for Ukraine, The MLB lockout is officially over, AND The Princess Bride now has its own cookbook!… MORE

Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher raising a lot of money for Ukraine, The MLB lockout is officially over, AND The Princess Bride now has its own cookbook!… MORE
What is Cameron Diaz’s beauty hack? Nickelodeon looking to reach a record… AND George R.R. Martin is working on tons of things!… MORE
Celebrities give their significant others REALLY good gifts, Where is Russell Wilson going, AND Aaron Rodgers is getting paid… MORE
NFL star suspended for gambling during season, Muppet band getting their own show, AND a new “Survivor” style show!… MORE
What does Rolling Stone consider the greatest movie of the 80’s? Danger doesn’t like the list. A popular TV show returns to FOX this summer. Danger wants in! AND Pat Sajak is saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! … MORE
Scarlet Johansson has to have difficult discussions with her daughter, Would these celebrities hold the door for you OR slam it in your face? AND Kevin Costner is REALLY into Yellowstone… MORE
Is TikTok’s new time limit a good or bad thing? Beetlejuice 2 could start filming this summer because of who?!? HBO has a show coming out with an unusual killer…… MORE
Bill Paxton’s family reached a settlement over his death, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively helping out Ukraine refugees, AND are the Oscars overrated?… MORE
Leonardo DiCaprio investing in a new alcohol, Jennifer Lawrence is a new Mama, AND Tom Brady getting in the Hollywood Game… MORE
Are Aaron Rodgers & Shailene Woodley actually broken up or not? U.S. Women’s soccer gets a big payout, AND A hidden “The Office” Chili recipe?… MORE