Facebook has changed it company name, PETA wants to change the name of baseball’s “bullpen”, Why did Will Ferrell turned down an “Elf” sequel… MORE

Facebook has changed it company name, PETA wants to change the name of baseball’s “bullpen”, Why did Will Ferrell turned down an “Elf” sequel… MORE
The People’s Choice Awards announced nominees, A weird moment for Joe Buck, AND the best horror movies according to Rotten Tomatoes… MORE
Warner Bros. making their own Super Smash Bros. game, Keanu Reeves is a GREAT guy, AND interesting facts about “It’s the great pumpkin, Charlie Brown”… MORE
What do you Americans want out of Super Bowl commercials, An interesting way to sell paintings, AND one of the weirdest Christmas movies of the year… MORE
World Series Match-Up is set,The role of Ken in the new Barbie movie is set,AND Authors who agreed or disagreed with casting choices….… MORE
Want to live on Elm Street? Now you can! AND LEGO & Hallmark getting into the Christmas spirit.… MORE
Zach Galifianakis’ kids think he has a boring job, John Wick prequel series announced, AND the best opening scenes in horror movies…… MORE
Leggings put Kate Beckinsale in the hospital, Who is Thanos’ brothers, AND Adele’s final meal….… MORE
Kanye West legally changes name, Marvel & Disney movies pushed back, AND Lynda Carter returns to Wonder Woman… MORE
Aaron Rodgers talks smack, Ryan Reynolds taking a break, AND the most recognized TV Theme songs…… MORE