It makes sense to me.… MORE

It makes sense to me.… MORE
This is our favorite duo at their lovestruck best. Check out the acoustic version here. … MORE
Tim Silver talks about his daughter Alice who at birth was diagnosed with AHC. It is very rare. We discussed education, awareness, raising funds and fighting back. … MORE
When finished the USS Iowa SSN 797 will represent the citizens of the state of Iowa for the next almost 40 years, carrying Iowa’s name around the globe. … MORE
This is what happens when you swallow the squeaker out of a dog toy. … MORE
We are all a work in progress. … MORE
Kim Chase with Lori Jensen of Children and Families of Iowa. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. If you need help call 515 243-6147 open 24/7.… MORE
This just may be the coolest neighbor ever.… MORE
Stroke is the 4th highest cause of death in Iowa, behind diseases of the heart, cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease .… MORE
Dog people get it. … MORE