Category Archives: Danger & Lindsay Podcasts

Danger’s Daily Dumbass 5-24-21

Danger’s Daily Dumbass 5-24-21

Make sure you triple check your facts before you get them tattooed on you, AND another day, another person angry about fast food…MORE

Random Facts 5-21-21

Random Facts 5-21-21

What is the difference between hurricanes and typhoons? I-95 goes through how many states?!? And why was the Louvre originally built?MORE

Hollywood Hot Shots 5-21-21

Hollywood Hot Shots 5-21-21

Tim Tebow back in the NFL? Some small movie tidbits AND What is the only Kevin Bacon movie that Kevin Bacon wants to see revisited?MORE

Random Facts 5-20-21

Random Facts 5-20-21

2% of people have really lucky armpits, the first speeding ticket – how fast were they going? AND Ad time during the M*A*S*H* finale….MORE

Hollywood Hot Shots 5-20-21

Hollywood Hot Shots 5-20-21

Charles Barkley being generous with his former school district, CBS getting is getting in on Christmas movie game, AND What are the most disappointing TV finales of all time?MORE