What ages are the best drivers, When do we burn the most calories, AND where was Sonic The Hedgehog originally from?… MORE
What ages are the best drivers, When do we burn the most calories, AND where was Sonic The Hedgehog originally from?… MORE
Jim Carrey made a LOT more than Jeff Daniels fir Dumb & Dumber, AND What silent films have won Best Picture?… MORE
The original “I Love Lucy” sponsor had an impact on the opening credits. Where did we get casual Friday from? AND what was Nike originally called?… MORE
This guy was meant to be alive! North Korea had its own time zone for a while. AND a SHOCKING revelation about James Bond!… MORE
What do Danger & Lindsay love about the Oregon coast? Who originally was offered the lead role in Die Hard? AND where can you find the tallest mountain in the solar system?… MORE
What used to be an Olympic Sport? Jurassic Park lied to us about Raptors. AND this Japanese island has a strange law.… MORE
How many phones are thrown away in a year? Textbook are VERY expensive, AND who hold the record for the most lost elections…… MORE
What does a famous painting and our booth at the fair have in common? What came first the kid or the show? AND a great invention for kids in math classes!… MORE
How did Shake Shack get their name? From chauffeur to CEO. AND how did this story about Sissy Spacek end with a Harry Caray impersonation?… MORE
Why were people buying so many pencils in 2006? This is a creepy thought about Facebook. AND why did a Soviet general want the color of Coca-Cola changed?… MORE