Category Archives: random facts

Random Facts 11-29-21

Random Facts 11-29-21

What do they call tiny ball sprinkles in the UK? Washington DC has a very large population, What really happened to Walt Disney!?MORE

Random Facts 11-23-21

Random Facts 11-23-21

A cool and strange things wolves do, How many lightning bolts hit the ground every year? AND how is this basketball fact true?!?MORE

Random Facts 11-22-21

Random Facts 11-22-21

The longest down and distance in NFL history, A good reason we have HEPA laws, 27 of the same actors were in these two productions…MORE

Random Facts 11-19-21

Random Facts 11-19-21

Where did the name “La Croix” come from? What does chocolate have to do with the Nobel Prize, AND was Sherlock on cocaine?MORE

Random Facts 11-18-21

Random Facts 11-18-21

The shortest commercial flight,  How many calories does laughing burn?  AND Vermont has very short buildings… MORE

Random Facts 11-16-21

Random Facts 11-16-21

Why do we shake hands?  Weird fact about Singapore Airlines,  AND the five states with no sales tax! MORE

Random Facts 11-15-21

Random Facts 11-15-21

Why do we call them freelancers? Why could humans NOT land on Jupiter, AND where did all the pay toilets go?MORE

Random Facts 11-12-21

Random Facts 11-12-21

Interest fact about American sign language, How do platypuses feed their young, AND why did kids used to play with potatoes….MORE

Random Facts 11-11-21

Random Facts 11-11-21

Info about Swedish imports of crawfish,  Post office’s motto is older than you think,  AND What is the biggest desert on earth? MORE

Random Facts 11-10-21

Random Facts 11-10-21

Where did the term “Ranch Dressing” come from, Best selling French songs, AND a weird Eskimo tradition MORE