Category Archives: Top Stories

Hollywood Hot Shots 8-4-22

Hollywood Hot Shots 8-4-22

Day Of Our Lives headed to streaming, How much are movie and tv houses worth, AND What’s happening with Grey’s Anatomy?MORE

Des Moines Walk to Defeat ALS

Des Moines Walk to Defeat ALS

The Walk to Defeat ALS is the largest fundraiser in Iowa to help fund the programs and services provided at no costs to Iowans living with ALS. Family, friends, and businesses create Walk teams in honor or memory of loved ones living with ALS.MORE

Random Facts 8-3-22

Random Facts 8-3-22

How many NFL players have come from Alaska? Texas is big! AND do you think this is as strange as Danger & Lindsay do?MORE

Nash News Now 8-3-22

Nash News Now 8-3-22

Most sleep-inducing country songs, CMA fest airing tonight on television, AND what does adrenaline junkie, Tim McGraw, want to do?MORE

Hollywood Hot Shots 8-3-22

Hollywood Hot Shots 8-3-22

Who is the oldest celebrity you find attractive? Tom Cruise apologizes to couple for stunt, AND a few new reboots coming…MORE

Word Of The Day 8-3-22

Word Of The Day 8-3-22

Should we bring these obsolete English words back?  What did FOGO mean, and does Danger & his wife have an issue?MORE